Telecommunications Consulting


The process of re-evaluating your telecom services can seem daunting, and end up being extremely time consuming for you and your employees. I.Q. Technologies has the expert staff to take this entire workload off your plate, and allow you to go back to working on more important business operations.

Our telecom consulting services includes:

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Common Questions about Telecommunications

  • Am I actually using all services I pay for today with my current carrier?
  • How do I determine what I really need going forward?
  • Which carrier is best for my company?
  • Who has available network in my area?
  • Who has the best support?
  • Who has the best rates?
  • Who uses the latest technology?
  • Who has the most reliable infrastructure?

Why Choose Us?



I.Q. takes the most refreshing and productive approach to achieve your main objectives. Once we've conducted our initial consultation, we will source out a variety of solutions that are solely based upon your specific needs and requirements.

We are partnered with every major telecom provider, but we are completely agnostic and vendor neutral. Therefore, you don't have to deal with a bunch of sales reps just trying to push their own product/services. We take all of the grunt work off your plate, determine all of the best possible options, and you are still the ultimate decision maker in the end.



Our technical experts know what's important when it comes to telecom. Our top engineers will drill down, and ask all the necessary questions with each carrier to ensure we're developing the best options for our clients.

We'll determine where each carrier's network is located, how they're delivering it to the end user, how their data is being transferred over the internet, and any other potential threats that may arise. We don't expect you to be the telecom expert. That's why we are here. Put our experts to work for you!



Finding the right carrier is one thing, but getting the right service contract is equally as important. Our expert negotiators and legal team take the best possible approach to ensure you covered on all major aspects.

Telecom contracts can be very on sided, but IQT is on your side to help make things fair and protect your Interest above all! Whether it's price, contract length, SLA's or any special clauses, we can assure you that we will always be looking out for your best interest when dealing with vendors.